this is it

Monday, July 25, 2005

So I don't really know why I am here right now

So I don't really know why I am here right now except for I am exceptionally bored. The more I think about it the more I realize that everyone around me is ready for marriage. Even my friends who are younger than me. They, whether they know it or not, are ready for the challenge and I think even hoping it will happen soon. I expect in the next 2 years or so to receive at least 2 r 3 wedding invitations from them. Me, on the other hand, I know that I could be ready. Ok, ok, I will admit it, I am ready but the difference is this: I don't really want it. There it's out in the open. The thought of being married at 19 or 20 terrifies me. I don't want to deal the hassle of dating boys. It wears me out. I think that any boy interested in me had better take it slow. Be a friend first and a boyfriend later. I really like the idea of knowing this person and being his friend before ever seriously dating. I don't go for the whole 3 weeks and then we're engaged thing. I freaks me out to think that that would ever happen to me (which it won't). Of course that is the whole catch with guys is it not. Finding the right moment when you have been friends long enough that it is ok but not so long that there won't be any fun in dating. Of course if you don't have fun just because you have been friends too long I think that you should really reconsider pursuing each other.
Other news: I had a bubble fight with my roommate. It was fun and I accidentally kissed a bubble. Our TV has been taken. That's ok, I prefer reading anyway. It has been a wonderfully uneventful holiday. Now back to the real world. Ugh.


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