this is it

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Just want to break things

So it's been one of those days. Woke up later than I wanted and felt like I had wasted the day. Started writing my paper. Finished my paper with room to spare, a good thing this time. Realized my paper wasn't in the right font size and wanted to throw my laptop across the room. Went to the library and fixed it. A thought entered my head, just print it off now. Tried it. Don't have enough money on card to print. NOOOOO!! This really pissed me off. Where I come from the school gives you money on your card at the first of the year. It's only $2 but it is enough for me to print everything off for the entire semester. What's worse is that I thought I would be ok without a real lunch. Wrong. I can tell that most of this ranting is hunger induced. Now I have to go home get some money. Figure out how to put it on my card and then print it off. How do I do that?! I guess I will be ok but at the moment I really just want to be angry. I want to know if I should transfer schools. I want to know where my life is going. I want to know what I should do. What is the right decision? I guess I better get going. Later.
P.S. Yesterday's rant was sort of out of nowhere but my friends can be a bit boy crazy. Not that it is a bad thing it just makes me frustrated.


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