this is it

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Days go by

Have you ever realized that the closer a deadline is the faster the days go. I have less then 2 weeks to get 3 projects done for my class. I don't know how I am going to do this. I hate it. I should have started at the beginning of the semester but did I? No! That would be silly, getting a head start on things. Actually I really feel that I do my best work under pressure or at least work. Otherwise nothing happens. Hence the end of semester panic I feel. I really want to buy a laptop I think. I am serious enough about this to research it. I found the best deal but it is only for today. That is kind of annoying because I have to decide now. I hate that. Deliberation is great. Half the time I can talk myself out of anything given enough time and if I really want to.
So I am having some unexplainable annoyance with one of my roommates. I don't know what it is. Actually that is a lie. All of them are on this kick that I like someone. They keep asking questions like if you could date anyone who would it be. I honestly don't think that they have a clue. Acutally I know they don't. One of them, the one who asked the question is the one that annoyed me. Maybe it's just that I feel it none of their business. If I wanted to tell you I would. If I thought me and anyone were going to have a relationship (yeah right who is going to date the girl that is leaving for 3 months and may never be coming back) I would probably tell them. Since I haven't I think that they shouldn't try to drag it out of me. I find that extremely annoying and frustrating because now if that happens I wouldn't want to tell them anything at all. I am like that, silently stubborn, and if you push me too hard you get the opposite of whatever it is you wanted. HA!


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