this is it

Thursday, December 7, 2006

I'm tired...again...

It always seems to happen that eventually I get tired. I was wondering today what it would be like if I never got tired. I realized that I would miss sleep. It's very relaxing to sleep. Well except when you have crazy dreams. I had one the other night. Teenie was there and an unnamed person and Teenie was talking to me and I don't remember what she was saying but the unnamed person was being weird, at least weird for him. I think he was holding my hand or something and I didn't seem to mind which would be unusual for the situation I was in. I don't remember much else. I guess it isn't that crazy anymore. I don't really mind dreams unless they are creepy. I had one about being trapped in the school in Brasil. Kinda freaked me out at the time. I didn't want to go to school...oh wait I didn't want to go to school before that. Anyhow, goodnight people. Sleep well and have good dreams.
P.S. My secret sister/santa gave me a beanie. I like it. Now I match alot.
P.P.S. It kinda makes my head itch sometimes. Oh well.
P.P.P.S I fingerpainted the other day. It was fun! I drew a house and some hills and a dog that really should be a skunk or something. Also, some abstract art (that is code for I didn't know what to paint and I messed up so I covered it with a lot of paint) and a flower and nerve cell. It had a cell body and an unmeylinated axon and dendrites. It was great but not entirely accurate.


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