this is it

Friday, August 5, 2005

Upside down

So I was wondering, is the world upside down. Our eyes see things upside down and our brain changes things rightside up. We see things wrong but our brain, by God's infinite wisdom, can fix it. What happens when we put on the glasses that make everything upside down again? Our brain fixes it again. When we take the glasses off, same thing. Our brain can fix many problems we face. My question is this, what happens when your brain is the problem? Can it fix itself? I don't just mean literally. I quite often have problems doing things wrong. I make mistakes. Sometimes my brain can fix it and other times it is the source of the problem. My current problem includes a boy in this very library. I know him, kind of. He's cute and I think I should go and talk to him but probably won't and plus he looks busy. I know him from Idaho and he is an EFY counselor for the summer but he doesn't know me. Sad and story of my life. I think that I might just go now. This is going to be awkward.
Other things: I told my brother about this blog. I wasn't keeping it hidden. Maybe sort of but that wasn't my original intent. You can tell the whole world about it. Tell your friends, neighbors and country men. I don't care!!! Let all who wish to hear about the mundane life that I live come and feel better about their own here.


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