this is it

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Loathe of the Dance

I am not sure how to spell loathe but that doesn't really matter except you might not understand what I am saying. There are many reasons why I hate dances. I have been told on many occasions that I would just like it if I let loose or something to that effect. I have tried it and it didn't really work. So what I am left with is pretending. I don't pretend very well. It's a lot like lying in the fact that I can't do it. I am getting better though. I don't mind going to dances and talking with friends and dancing a little but that isn't allowed. If you go you have to enjoy it as much as everyone else. I imagine it is because they feel that I am not enjoying myself sufficiently if I am not dancing like them. Next comes peer pressure. I am not capable of really resisting peer pressure having never been properly exposed to it before. So I dance. And I smile. And I laugh and pretend to enjoy it but inside, deep inside beneath the layers of fiction, reluctance and acceptance is a rushing and wild river of loathing that is wider than the ocean and deeper than the lowest crevice in the sea. I encompasses every type and every style of dance from just swaying in place to the most formal ballroom dancing. From country to Latin and polkas to disco. I hate to dance. What I hate more than dancing is when people try to get you started at a dance by indicating that you should do what they do or by bumping hips. I enrages me. If I wanted to dance I would have started by now so back off! Many people would say that I just shouldn't go but when your roommates and all of your friends enjoy it so much and you feel left out of everything when you don't go you go just so you won't be by yourself sometimes. So I go and pretend to have a good time and people seem to by it. I think it is because they need to believe that everyone loves to dance.
P.S. When went to Guitars Unplugged yesterday and I have to say that it was pretty lame. None of the ones I have been to have been as good as the one I went to my first semester. Anyhow, I am considering buying the CD because of 2 songs. One was an original written about a guy who falls in love with girl who is polydactyl. It was quite humorous. Second was by far my favorite act of the evening. This guy played a jazz tribute to Super Mario. It was amazing.


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