this is it

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

The Scroll

I have to say that I love BYU-I's little newspaper. It gives me such delight. I love reading the letters to the editor because there are some silly people out there. Especially when they get talking about crosswalks and jaywalkers. I can't imagine a place where people would get more upset about it. I also love the police repot. This week they reported a complaint about an abondoned house flooding. There are complaints about pranks, and noise and, of course, jaywalkers. I love it. There was also a complaint of a car being booted. I think it was illegally booted but it still makes me chuckle. There are also the comics. One of them is really good. The other one is getting better. It started out really weird but has gotten better with time. All of you should read the Scroll at least once in your life. Make sure that it is a good issue or really there isn't any point to reading it because it has no entertainment value.
P.S. Finals are approaching and I am trying to not think about them. I hate them. Any way I have to go to class.
P.P.S You can visit the Scroll just type in Have fun with it, if you can.


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