this is it

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Scary Movies

I must say that I think I have acquired a profound dislike for extremely scary movies. I definitely don't feel the same way I did yesterday. I feel unsettled. I feel paranoid. I feel fear. I think that these basic human emotions have stemmed from the extremely creepy half of a movie I watched yesterday ( it wasn't even half. It was more like the last 30 minutes.) I realized as I watched it that it was probably rated R at one point (clean flicks). I have determined that even though they take out the really extreme stuff, they still have to leave the basic plot in so that it is the same movie. I shouldn't have watched it. I knew as I was watching it that it was going to creep me out. I can handle a lot of scary stuff. I thought the grudge was one of the stupidest things ever. The ring and the ring two scared me while watching it but left no lasting problems. Scream(don't worry I watched them on tv. Not that it makes it any better) 1,2 and 3 were just people. Crazy, homicidal people with wicked looking knives but still just people. I have come to the conclusion that I am afraid of the devil and demonic possession. Those other things are not creepy. Actually it isn't that I am afraid (well come on who is afraid of the devil.) but more like extremely creeped out by the thought. It is a good thing that good always triumphs over evil.
P.S. I am taking a Women's health class. I have the most embarrassing assignment to do (well maybe not the most. I don't know what else is in store for me). I have to find some guy to that I think I am compatible with and take a quiz about how our life would be if we were each other. I don't think I like this. Who? why me? Anyhow have fun laughing at my discomfort.


  • aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(insert Grudge noise here)

    By Blogger Ben, at 7:43 PM  

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