this is it

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I am not It! You totally missed!

So I have been tagged. I have to write 6 fact/figures/habits/whatevers about myself. And then tag six other people. Unfortunately or fortunately I will refrain from this portion because of 2 reasons #! I don't know very many people on the internet and #@ I have been asked to refrain. So here we go:
1. I like to paint my toenails outrageous colors. I am particularly fond of the colors, green and red and purple. If had orange I would use that or yellow or maybe black.
2. I swore in 5th grade that I would never wear pigtails. I have found in college that I like them. Not the pony tail pigtails but the braided kind.

3. I LOVE the smell of driers running. It is my favorite. I also like the smell of gasoline, washing detergent, and supreme pizza(even though I hate almost everything on it).
4. I will do anything anyone asks me too especially when they didn't mean for me to actually do it because they were joking. I do have limits but they are pretty hard to reach.
5. I don't like to talk about boys I am interested in and will totally lie about it and usually refuse to tell others about it. Pretty much if I seem to feel comfortable talking about it then it's a lie.
6. I can't stand to have people touch my hair, usually. I have to give mental permission. If you touch my hair and aren't allowed to I will smite you!
P.S. My stupid friend likes to annoying me by touching my hair and I am very close to jacking him or just bursting into tears because then he would stop and feel bad about it.


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