this is it

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yes if my friends jumped off a cliff so would I

Five Movies You Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Goonies
2. You've Got Mail
3. Clue
4. Oscar
5. Batman Begins

Five Embarrassing Songs that You Know All the Words To:
1. "Incomplete" by the Backstreet Boys
2. "Bye Bye Bye" by N'SYNC (can we just stop here pleeeeease?)
3. "Wannabe" by Spice Girls
4. "Mmmmmbop"(I am not sure on the spelling) by the Hansons
5. The theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Five Memorable Halloween Costumes:
1. Indian Princess age 8
2. Star Trek officer ( I think I was Deana Troy) age 7
3. Witch age 10
4. Skeleton age I don't really know but everyone in my family was a skeleton at one point
5. I wore a mask like the one from "Scream" once.

Five Celebrities You Believe May Secretly Be Aliens:
1. Jack Nicholson
2. Keanu Reeves
3. Brittany Murphy
4. Billy Bob Thornton
5. Kirsten Dunst

Five Occupations that You Know You Could Never Do:
1. Teacher
2. Engineer
3. Chemist
4. Politician
5. Public Speaker

Five Books You Have Recently Read Outside of Schoolwork:
1. "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince" by J.K. Rowlings
2. "Hawksong" by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
3. "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin
4. "Inkspell" by Cornelia Flunke
5. "To Draw Closer to God" by Elder Eyring

Five Ways to Perfectly Spend an Afternoon:
1. Nap
2. Read
3. Good Movie
4. Talking with friends
5. Swinging at the park or walking

Five Lines You Blatantly Stole from a Movie, TV, a commercial, or Song:
1. "Usually I'm a lover, not a fighter but in your case I'm willing to make an exception." Little Rascals
2. "Wove, true wove, is what bwrings us togever today." The Princess Bride
3. " I gave her a yah and a hiyah and I kicked her, sir." Anastasia
4. "I do believe in fairies. I do! I do!" Peter Pan
5. "Fishy, why are you sleeping?" Finding Nemo

Not Your 5 Favorite Foods, but the 5 You're Mostly Likely Eating:
1. Pancakes
2. Peanut Butter and Jelly
3. Macaroni and cheese
4. an apple
5. pizza

5 People Who Should Do This:
1. Aly
2. K.K.
3. Marie
4. Pattycake
5. Diane


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