this is it

Friday, January 5, 2007


I don't make resolutions. I have never kept one. I don't ever remember them the week after I make them. Mostly, I just make half hearted attempts to set goals that I know will probably be dashed before the weekend is out. It's not that I don't have any goals. I just don't deal in short term goals. I know what I want in the future and how to get it. I guess if you are going to be all literal on me (teenie!) I do have short term goals like getting good grades or something that is important to those long term goals. I just don't think about them that way. I shudder at the word goals. I whimper when people stress the importance of having a plan. I like to have a certain amount of flexibility with my present.


This is all going to change very soon. I will become very goal oriented. I will plan my dive and dive my plan (Sorry Flippin'. I am under the influence of our joint parentage.) I will follow rules and protocol. And so for the first time I can remember, I am making a goal for the near future (I know it extends farther than just the near future) and I am going to stick with it. I am going to be the best missionary I can be. I am going to obey the rules, follow the guidelines, and do what I can to have a positive attitude*. Not bad for a first timer, right?

P.S. I moved out of the food storage room. I'm kind of sad to leave it. The blinds had a hole in them that allowed the sun to bore into my eyes every morning. I actually kind of miss it. It was a very convenient place to be for a late night snack.

P.P.S. We got more snow. I am beginning to think that my last post was the rantings of a mad woman.

P.P.P.S My parents get in arguments about what they want to plant in the garden. My mom always plants corn for some reason. Maybe she thinks one time it will actually bear fruit or something. Those little stalks give it their all but they only get to be about a half foot tall and they never grow anything. It makes dad crazy.

* and try very hard not to jack/shiv/become volatile with/upset anyone who doesn't deserve it (and maybe even some who do).


  • You're right, we do have a joint parentage. And if our parentage would lay off the joints we'd all be a lot more sane.

    By Blogger Ben, at 9:31 AM  

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