this is it

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Brain Freeze

My brain is frozen. It's numb and I can't feel it anymore. Is that bad? The only time I find it acceptable to really study is during finals. You can ask my roommates. I say that I am going to study but in fact I am going to read a book or write or do something that I like to do. I really only use homework to get out things that really bug the crap out of me. (ex: Fashion Consultant enrichment. That's not enrichment. It's unrichment. If I had know what is was I would have said that I had homework I had to do.) So what I am trying to say is that my brain is not programmed to work this way. It's is revolting against memorizing 24 paintings plus where they are in the world today, plus who made them, plus when they made them, plus what style they made them. I think it is going to refuse to pay rent until I fix this problem. I don't know why I wrote that but it popped up in my head and came out onto the page. I apologize. I think I should go before this gets nasty.
Unrelated: I have this friendship type person that I used to live with. She has the most incredible timing. She knows down to almost exact minutes the right times to not talk to me. It's amazing! I think she is very nice person. Sweet, kind, cheerful, organized, wonderful and of good report but she just talks to me at all the wrong times. There are a few times during the day that I really just don't usually feel like conversing. There are two of these times that she would always talk to me. One is in the morning. I am not a morning person. You are very lucky if all you get is a dirty look. More than likely I will leave the room if it is occupied by a person in the morning. The other time is right after school. I do not like going to school. I don't like homework or assignments or anything like that. I am really quite tired and cranky after school (this also applies to right after work) and my brain is fried. Please don't try and talk to me! It's ok I guess because I don't live with her anymore.


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