Who would have thought?
So it's been a year! I'm surprised that I keep writing (rather poorly) on this thing. Anyhow, that's how it goes. I change my babysitting schedule tomorrow. I will be able to sleep more now and won't have to be there as much. I'm basically asleep while I am writing this but most of my best work is done half asleep. I don't think that this is one of those times but for your sake I hope that it is. I just finished a book that retold the story of Sleeping Beauty. I must say that I greatly preferred it over the Disney version of the story. Of course that isn't hard to do because Sleeping Beauty has always been my least favorite even when I was younger. I was more of a Little Mermaid type. I don't know what that has to do with anything but what if you made a personality test based on your favorite Disney movie. No doubt they already have one of these (The Girl Scouts have a personality thing for which type of their cookies you like). I wonder what the Little Mermaid says about me. I just googled it and I couldn't find any that let you just pick your favorite princess. You have to take a test. I took several and the most common one for me is Pocahontas which I find ironic because we are polar opposites in appearance. I hope that this doesn't mean I will have to save my future husband (although everyone knows that they don't get married so I guess it's more like a boyfriend) from the wrath of my father. Anyhow, Happy whatever you would call this. Yeah!
Ben, at 12:00 PM
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