People, you may already know this but I need serious help
Recently, I have stopped falling asleep at the time I appointed for such things to commence. It's almost like when you get sick and you attempt to sleep but no sleep comes. You toss and turn and you look at the clock periodically to find that 2 or 3 hours have gone by and you must have been asleep but you feel like you felt every aching, agonizing minute pass. It's been like that. So I compensate by trying to stay awake all day in hopes that I will be so tired by night fall that itwon't be possible to stay awake. It didn't work. In desperation, I turned to none other than my very own Miracle Max. The main difference ( besides the whole gender thing) between my Max and the one in the movie is that mine believes that she can fix you while the other is somewhat lacking in such conviction. The miracle was delivered (unfortunately, not covered in chocolate) and it work! I was surprised. Happy to say the least. Anyways, I'm going to bed now. Bye!
Forgotten but not gone...
Sometimes I would just like to forget how I came to be who I am today. Mostly it's just embarrassing. I hate thinking about it. Why would I ever think about it then? Old friends keep popping up. I don't have to actually talk to them but their presence is there. It's like someone knocking on your door. You could just pretend you aren't home but while you are doing it you feel like an idiot. Maybe they don't remember me as the awkward, clumsy, insensitive and stupid me but I think that would be too much to hope for. I can't help but shake my head at my thinking back then. If I didn't think that these memories helped me to become a better person and if I didn't think that they still remind me to try to become better, I would wish for selective amnesia. Then if someone said do you remember that day on the bus... I would honestly be able to say nope. And what, I ask, do you say to someone you haven't talked to since the 7th grade!? I barely knew you then and now on top of not knowing what to say to you, I wouldn't even recognize you if you were right in front of me.
I guess that you should always try to make room for a friend and I'm not saying that I don't want to get to know these people again but it almost like becoming friends again with someone you had a horrible falling out with. It makes me feel all squirmy. I want to but I don't and the whole time there is this overwhelming feeling that maybe I should be apologizing for how I acted but then I would have to bring it up and maybe they forgot. I hope they forgot...
P.S. Only 2 days left of babysitting. I'm totally jazzed about this and at the same time a little sad. I like it most of the time. I will miss the twins and the sister when she is having a good day. P.P.S The spellcheck suggested that I replace jazzed with jacked. I thought that was quite funny and mildly appropriate.
I'm boring...
My attitude about this has changed. I used to think that I should change to make myself less boring but then I decided that was stupid and now I think that everyone else should deal with it. I'm boring and I like it, so deal. Now moving on...
I help my mom in the Nursery on Sundays. You would think that I would get enough babysitting during the week. I like not being in charge at the Nursery. I really don't do conflict very well especially if it involves youngsters unable to really think logically. Except that they are thinking logically. They say I like that toy, I'll go get it. The other one thinks, Hey! I was playing with that and I want it back! I'm gonna go get it. Then the fighting ensues and you can't come to a compromise until one of them is distracted by that beetle over by the wall and which actually looks kind of tasty and goes to try it.
Anyway, it was one of those days in the Nursery. There was crying, fighting, precociousness, more crying, and poo. The only thing we didn't have was throw up for which I am eternally grateful. I won't really go into detail except to say that the poo did not stay in the diaper as it was supposed to and the crying reached it's height at the center of the poo fiasco and there was me and my dad in the Nursery while my mom took the pooper out. There were 14 kids, many of whom were bored or crying. I was stuck with one on my lap who wouldn't let me put him down while my father was cleaning up the leftover poo (I'm very grateful for that too). It was crazy. Other than that it was a grand ol' time as always.
P.S. I love it when kids get to the age where they know that they are supposed to be speaking in sentences. They let off a string of nonsense that sounds like you should know what they are talking about because they said it properly except that they didn't use any real words.