this is it

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Freaking Christmas

Life at home is always better then you think it is going to be. I always imagine myself at home and bored. Reading because I don't have anything better to do and trying to entertain myself. Then I get home a realize that I love reading so what was I griping about anyway. Plus I love my family. I don't know of a place I would rather be. I love that we are so messed up in our Christmas "traditions" that people look at us funny when we tell them about them. Mostly it's because we don't have many traditions. I love that if I want to join in fine but if I don't then no one really cares and that life is uncomplicated. I love playing games and staying up late and talking. I love to watch my brothers all laugh at the same thing and how we are all of the same mind and that jokes that are disgusting in other settings are laughed at until you can't breathe and that it is not only acceptable but expected. Mostly what it comes to is, I love my family.
P.S. I have never had a cavity filled without some sort of numbing stuff. I guess it wasn't that deep of one if the dentist filled it without laughing gas or something. It scared me, probably because I was in my right mind. Of course I was very grateful for not having laughing gas because it makes me cry. I wonder, would tear gas make me laugh? I don't want to find out and I don't think it works that way. Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It's that time again.

For the most part I enjoy my time here at the Y-I. This is shocking to most people, probably because of the hick town and the hick people and the butt freezing cold and the nothing for miles and the sometimes semi-stupid students/teachers and for the the girls there is a lack of males. For the guys it's great. I am pretty sure that the ratio sort of evens out during the fall/winter. I think it is about 2 girls for every guy rather than the 5 to 1 ratio in the summer. Anyway back to the point. I dislike the track system. I have made some pretty good friends here. I like them anyway. Only problem is that I am the only one of the fall/winter track. The rest are summer/fall. The only upside is my friend from the winter/summer track is coming. That's right my winter would be cold and bleak and miserable without her. She saves me from a world of ice and boredom. It's not the same without the others but it's just as good. It's similar to my entire life where I move and make new friends but it's really annoying to have to do it every four months. I also hate that I am not here during the summer when it's fun and life is warm and I don't have school. That was fun.
P.S. The sledding is amazing here. I mean it would have to be. Bro. remember the sled course in the backyard in Maryland and the semi steep hill. Well we don't have the trees here so it's not like an obstacle course but the intramural field hill is amazing. It's the wildest ride I've had on a sled since Maryland. Last year we put a couch we bought from DI on skis and made our first ever couch sled. It was so fun.

Thursday, December 8, 2005

I am very, very, very, very, very, very COLD

I don't what I can say except that yesterday when I walked to class it was -14 F outside. Today was a warm 11 F. This is fun and far colder than last year. Brrr.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

The Scroll

I have to say that I love BYU-I's little newspaper. It gives me such delight. I love reading the letters to the editor because there are some silly people out there. Especially when they get talking about crosswalks and jaywalkers. I can't imagine a place where people would get more upset about it. I also love the police repot. This week they reported a complaint about an abondoned house flooding. There are complaints about pranks, and noise and, of course, jaywalkers. I love it. There was also a complaint of a car being booted. I think it was illegally booted but it still makes me chuckle. There are also the comics. One of them is really good. The other one is getting better. It started out really weird but has gotten better with time. All of you should read the Scroll at least once in your life. Make sure that it is a good issue or really there isn't any point to reading it because it has no entertainment value.
P.S. Finals are approaching and I am trying to not think about them. I hate them. Any way I have to go to class.
P.P.S You can visit the Scroll just type in Have fun with it, if you can.