this is it

Monday, March 27, 2006

I am like B.A. on the A-team

They drugged me to sleep and flew me to Argentina to save a bunch of nuns.

A warning: for whatever reason (real or imagined, probably imagined) I took two benedryl tonight. This might not seem to pose a problem unless you know that I am prone to become very drowsy when on this medication. Almost in mockery of my attempt to counteract this medication by influxing my system with vast amounts of sugar, my eyes are struggling to stay open. If I has left the mistakes from the previous sentence it would read something like this (well it doesn't start till the middle of it): c=vasts amounts of sugar, my wyws are struggling to dtay opwn. It was really annoying that I kept missing the stupid "e" key. I fell asleep twice reading my homework and that never happens.
Anyhow, this has nothing to do with what I am blogging about. I have a complaint. It is one that many people have experienced and I hope that they learn from it and don't do this to others. I have 2 girls in my apartment who are seriously involved with boys. Now they are fine people but they cause me distress in two ways. The number one way is PDA in the form of making out even when other people are in the room and feel uncomfortable. Now I hope that you will take this to heart, no one wants to see you slobber all over each other. You might think that it is just fine but really it's not so don't do it or if you have to do that then please stop when in the presence of other people or at least strangers who don't know you (I mean honestly, have you no self control at all!). My second complaint comes in the form of arguments. I know that the only real places couples can be in an apt. are the living room or kitchen but I don't want to hear you fight. It is another one of those very uncomfortable things. I like to believe that people can just get along. That is not the only reason things like that are uncomfortable. It is awkward to hear arguments you aren't involved in.

P.S. In Social Problems today I had to pretend I had an "n" disability. I had to tell someone about myself with out using the letter "N." I don't know if you know this about me but my name has that letter and my middle name and my last. The name of the town I am from has 3 n's. My oldest brother has an n in his name and so do a lot of the places I have lived. I didn't take the time to think about what I was saying. It was hard and funny and frustrating.

P.P.S Also, this is for all the guys who won't read this blog but will date my roommates, if you want to live you shouldn't yell without ceasing for the girls of your dreams at the chastity line because if he does it one more time I am going to shiv/jack him hard.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Are you one of them too?

I think my friends are possessed. Not just some of them but all of them. There are a couple that may be safe but the majority are starting to scare me. Heads are beginning to turn..all the way around. I think the shift was so subtle that I just didn't notice it happening before my eyes. I think it started with one and then moved along. They seem to have the same purpose and they want me to join them. Their purpose is really actually a good thing but I don't want to run into the open arms of it just yet. I am getting tired of fighting it. I am losing my will power. Plus, since this is really a good thing it is easy to fall into it. I could just pretend to fall in line. Lying makes life easier. I have decided to stop lying so much despite my mother's marvelous tutelage. My only option is open defiance. Ok, I don't do conflict so I might have to be underhandedly defiant. I don't think that underhandedly is a word. Maybe if I can hold out long enough I can run for it or perform an exorcism. Now if I only had something to lure them with...
P.S. Muscle are named really funny sometimes. Some of them I can't imagine ever being able to say correctly. For instance, sternocleidomastoid or gastrocnemius. Also, there are way to many muscles in the hand and arm and they all look the same and do practically the same thing. I think we should petition to have them all given the same name. Some names don't make any sense at all. Zygomaticus? It's fun to say but what the crap does it mean? At least with ones like the levator scapulae you can figure out what it does from the name. Just so you know I took a muscle exam today and I think I didn't do so well. It makes me angry.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yes if my friends jumped off a cliff so would I

Five Movies You Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Goonies
2. You've Got Mail
3. Clue
4. Oscar
5. Batman Begins

Five Embarrassing Songs that You Know All the Words To:
1. "Incomplete" by the Backstreet Boys
2. "Bye Bye Bye" by N'SYNC (can we just stop here pleeeeease?)
3. "Wannabe" by Spice Girls
4. "Mmmmmbop"(I am not sure on the spelling) by the Hansons
5. The theme song to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Five Memorable Halloween Costumes:
1. Indian Princess age 8
2. Star Trek officer ( I think I was Deana Troy) age 7
3. Witch age 10
4. Skeleton age I don't really know but everyone in my family was a skeleton at one point
5. I wore a mask like the one from "Scream" once.

Five Celebrities You Believe May Secretly Be Aliens:
1. Jack Nicholson
2. Keanu Reeves
3. Brittany Murphy
4. Billy Bob Thornton
5. Kirsten Dunst

Five Occupations that You Know You Could Never Do:
1. Teacher
2. Engineer
3. Chemist
4. Politician
5. Public Speaker

Five Books You Have Recently Read Outside of Schoolwork:
1. "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince" by J.K. Rowlings
2. "Hawksong" by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
3. "The Westing Game" by Ellen Raskin
4. "Inkspell" by Cornelia Flunke
5. "To Draw Closer to God" by Elder Eyring

Five Ways to Perfectly Spend an Afternoon:
1. Nap
2. Read
3. Good Movie
4. Talking with friends
5. Swinging at the park or walking

Five Lines You Blatantly Stole from a Movie, TV, a commercial, or Song:
1. "Usually I'm a lover, not a fighter but in your case I'm willing to make an exception." Little Rascals
2. "Wove, true wove, is what bwrings us togever today." The Princess Bride
3. " I gave her a yah and a hiyah and I kicked her, sir." Anastasia
4. "I do believe in fairies. I do! I do!" Peter Pan
5. "Fishy, why are you sleeping?" Finding Nemo

Not Your 5 Favorite Foods, but the 5 You're Mostly Likely Eating:
1. Pancakes
2. Peanut Butter and Jelly
3. Macaroni and cheese
4. an apple
5. pizza

5 People Who Should Do This:
1. Aly
2. K.K.
3. Marie
4. Pattycake
5. Diane

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Define Shy

Do you ever feel really lame? I do. I feel like that right now. I feel like I should be different is some way. My FHE brother invited my apt. to go to the caves tonight and play glow stick hide and seek. Now this sounds like fun except it snowed today. So it's cold and then it got warm enough for the snow to start melting. So it cold and wet but what is that compared to fun. It's nothing. If you are cold and wet and having a good time, you don't care that you are cold and wet. The thing is I don't know if I would have a good time. I don't know any of these people. Normally this isn't a problem. I like meeting and getting to know new people (usually). In fact I find it funny that I am more likely to talk to a complete stranger than most of my roommates. This also makes me wonder about the label I have been given of being shy. I don't know if I am exactly shy. I am socially hesitant. A friend said yesterday that I was reserved but not. I am still a little confused about that. The thing is that I just don't always feel like talking. I like to watch people. I like to know where I stand in a group before I venture farther. It depends on the people too. I became what I consider friends faster with friend C than I have with a whole apt. I have known for my entire college life. My roommate is the opposite of me. She is outgoing but shy. It's fun because we are like the opposite of each other but we get along the best. Anyway, I think that tonight I just want to feel lame. P.S. I stepped in the mud the other night and in my new shoes. I was upset. Don't worry though because I washed most of it off. I also would like to say that I straightened my hair today and it has certainly grown longer. I would say that it is about half way down my back which is quite long.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A "Wug" Test, kicks and other good stuff

I didn't know what a "Wug" test was until my early childhood development class on Friday. I was just minding my own business, doodling and daydreaming, and the teacher says, "blah,blah, yada yada... the wug test." It is needless to say I started to pay attention. Now in my own little world a wug can only mean a funny baby chicken looking type thing. It is usually associated with letters that are backwards or the awards(of which I won one). Apparently it has a real world application. I greatly enjoyed that. I also feel a little silly that I didn't know it was a real thing before. Not that it matters because I know it now.
Item number 2 is that I bought a pair of black chucks. Now they aren't authentic chucks (I wish) but they are black( I would have preferred red or green or almost anything...they had pink but I wouldn't put my foot in that color!) and they were only $10. I am enjoying them more than I can tell you.
I got my midterms and I have four A's and a B+. I am very happy with the results of the semester thus far.
All in all, it has been good.
P.S. Bro. I clicked on the link on you page for the nerd test. I almost didn't take it but then I decided what the hey. Anyway I scored approximately 8.8% and they called me a poser. I guess I am not cool enough to be cool or geeky enough to be a geek.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

I am single and I am not ashamed of it(usually)

I have the primary song "The World is So Big" stuck in my head. I don't know if it is actually called that but the words are running in my head. The world is so big and oh so round and in it...something something are found. This has nothing to do with what I am thinking about. In my head is a thought that one I analyze too much. My roommate said that someone told her that American English is one of the more lazy languages because we don't use our mouths as much. Now I have very little knowledge about linguistics and what little I have heard doesn't usually stay very long(sorry bro.) but I have been thinking about this and I think that I think about things too much. This leads me to the conclusion that I can be very unsympathetic. Now I know you might be going "what?!" I have a round about way of thinking about things. I will walk you through it. Since I analyze, I think of all possibilities. These possibilities lead to other conclusions and when people tell me about this and that I go "ah huh" and they ask me if that is my final reaction and then sometimes I choose to change for a more appropriate expression of emotion if that seems to be required. Now you say why does that lead to not being sympathetic. It doesn't really. I have just been thinking about my friend. He is experiencing real singleness for the first time it seems. This person seems to think that everyone goes out immediately after they turn 16 and that not having a significant other might as well be death. I often wonder if my lack of knowledge in this area prevents me from fully understanding. Anyway, I am not being very sympathetic mostly because I have been single my entire life and just want them to get over it and understand that I don't really want to hear about how hard it is for them to be single. I also don't want to hear talking about how this and this happened and it only happens to him. I have probably been in everyone of the situations this guy has been in currently(in an opposite kind of way). I want to refuse sympathy. I want to just sit this person down and say "hey, get over it and yourself and move on." Why don't I? He's a good friend. He'd probably wouldn't like that and I really like to avoid conflict. Anyway, thanks to all those who are single and don't gripe or whine or think that they are the only ones in the universe who aren't married or in a relationship. I am indeed very grateful for you.
P.S. I seriously want some girl scout cookies. They don't sell them online for safety reasons. I searched and the nearest place they will sell them is Twin Falls. Now that is not close at all really and it's really not close if you don't have a car but I would give a lot for some Samoas. I thought about it too much.
P.P.S. Is it really true about American English? I haven't been able to come to an actual conclusion on my own and I want to know now.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Revisiting old pain

My heart goes out to my friend's family. He recently died about 2 months ago. It seems as though it was only yesterday that all of those boys were here. I cannot think of one without thinking about the other two. I spent my entire winter semester of 2005 with them. I saw them everyday of the first block of summer. They were so excited about leaving for their missions. They were going to convert the world. They believed they could do it and you couldn't help but smile at the exuberance and confidence. They might not have been physically together but they were one in purpose and spirit. I won't lie and say that I didn't miss them during the fall. I still miss them. It's different now. The way life doesn't turn out like you hope it will. My mind thought that one day about three years from now we would all be together again. Some I will see sooner and others it will be a long time. My friend N was sent home early because of health issues. He now has to deal with the stigma of not serving an entire mission even though he received an honorable release. People can be very judgemental and I resent it, maybe more than he does. I will see him this coming fall. My friend C will be the only one to serve the whole time, hopefully. It's kind of ironic and it will be another year and a half. The third, well the third. My friend Bradley Jay Isle. He died this year. He went to New Zealand and died in a car crash about 2 months after he arrived there. It will be a long time before I see him again. His mother has asked us to write down stories and things we remember about him. I know that I have stories but alot of what I remember about him is talking and friendship that when written down become corny and cheesy. He was the kind of person the prophets and leaders of the church tell you to become friends with. The kind of person that makes you want to be better than you are. Even before he died, I could imagine him everytime I was reluctant to do something telling me that it was gonna be fun. I miss him and life continues...

Thursday, March 2, 2006

The Nasal Juices of My Heart

It's never a good sign when your friends turn to you and say "Oooh, your voice hurts me." They are trying to be sympathetic or show concern or something. When you are sick, as nice as it is that someone acknowledges that you are dying, it doesn't make you feel better to know that your voice is an instrument of pain to others. Of course, it takes about 3 or 4 days of being sick for others to realize that you are and then you have to demonstrate or prove your illness before others will become sympathetic or empathetic or anything really. Not that I want a fanfare or a national holiday because I am sick, just the knowledge that someone notices that I am not totally myself and some show of concern. I think that I am being overly critical. I mean nobody shows signs of illness until they seem to be getting better and I have been guilty of the same nonchalance about others infirmity. Although at the moment I think that I am going to be very grateful for the inability to smell today. I might miss the stench of death. Yes today I believe is the day in lab where we have the opportunity to see cadavars. I know that I am just so excited...really really excited. Of course I think we will be standing for most of the time and you know that when you are sick and you stand up all of a sudden you are momentarily granted breath. Usually this shows you that there is a chance that you will be getting better... soon... hopefully.
P.S. I don't know if any of you have ever had this experience. I have to say that it was a first for me. I woke up the other day and my tongue hurt. This wasn't just my everyday, I bit/burned my tongue hurt. This was it hurts to talk and to swallow type hurt. Now, I find that very odd. It is a strange experience and would not care to repeat it. I think I would have had more fun with it if I had had a better attitude but as it was I didn't and so maybe next time I will try to have a positive mental attitude about wishing I had been born without a tongue.