this is it

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Listen up everybody!

This loverly morning and the loverly time of 11:30 I received the envelope in which was my misson call. I had to wait 2 horrible hours and I made fudge during this time. I am going to the Washington D.C. South mission! I am quite excited really. Ummm... that is about it. Ok!
P.S. The girls upstairs are weird! They opened their window last night at about 12:40am and starting yelling things out their window and they race around up there and they have tickle fights or something and and they have fights which involve some swearing. All in all, I think this means the their floor needs to be thicker or my ceiling does.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you had one because I certainly did. I was slightly worried about bringing my friends and having them hang out with my family. And it wasn't really about them liking my family but I worry more about my family liking my friends. Anyway, there were no explosions and I think that they even like each other. This makes me happy.
Anyhow, besides all of this love going around, I think that I am an idiot. I was just thinking about my freshman year (this goes from August 2004 until August 2005) and I was just really dense and socially awkward and didn't know anything about anything. It's really just being young and whatever but I still feel like that whole year was a complete waste of my existence. Maybe it was a Learning Experience and all that but I don't feel that I learned anything except for the fact that I wish I could invent a time machine and go back to kick myself in the butt. Would that end up like the girlfriend from Back to the Future and I would pass out from seeing myself? I certainly hope not because that would make it hard to kick my own behind.

P.S. I was trying to use the wireless internet on campus today (and I was not successful at all) and this squirrel was scaling the wall. It reminded me of spider-man and then I was like what if spider-man had been bitten by a radioactive squirrel. Squirrel-man. I think that he would have ears coming off of his hood and I bushy tail but maybe not because we learned from the Incredibles that no one should have a cape and thus shouldn't have a tail either.
P.P.S I wish to thank all invovled in my great enjoyment of Tron which I have never before actually liked watching. End of Line.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Strange things are happening...

Ok not really. My computer is sometimes wigging out on me and I am tempted to toss it not so gently across the room. Also, friends that formerly wouldn't date each other now want to try it. I know two things that I either shouldn't or don't really want to know. In approximately 2 weeks I should know where I am going on my mission. We lost our tv remote. We searched everywhere and I mean everywhere. Only to have the thing mysteriously show up on our tv. My personal theory is that one of my FHE brothers took it and then returned it when we asked about it. Or more logically one of my roommates found it and didn't tell us where or anything. I guess these happenings aren't really all that strange (did I mention someone made my bed...that's a little strange.) We are going to comic frenzy tonight. Hopefully. Anyways, ya'll should make a guess as to where I will go for my mission (not that more than about 2 people really read this thing.) Have a great day!

Friday, November 3, 2006

There is a saying about making beds...

about how you have to sleep in the bed you made or something. I can't really remember the phrase. I thought about that today as I looked at my bed and wondered who made it. I am 99.9% confident that it was not me. I don't believe in the bed making fairy so that only leaves my roommates or a random stranger. It's not that I am opposed to bed making. It's just that it's been awhile since my bed was made. It kinda freaked me out a little.
Anyhow, moving on, so far I am fairly confident that statistics is kicking my trash. While in other news, I don't have TB yet. There is only 2 days left in the test so I could contract it by Monday. Hopefully, not. Also, I am really, really bored right now. Also, sometimes when people are too comfortable around you they say things about other other people that are offensive. That's just not cool. I just don't like other people getting torn down even when they aren't around to hear it. Also, it vastly changes how I look at the people who said it. Basically, you should listen to what your momma told you, If you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all.
P.S. You should always be aware of the pauses in your sentences. I heard a girl behind me at a soccer game say " I was going chocolate but.............................................I didn't have a lid." It was a really long pause. I did have fun imagining what it would be like if she had a hot chocolate butt. Kinda gross really but I get bored and have to entertain myself somehow.
P.P.S Who made my bed!!!!!!!????