this is it

Friday, October 28, 2005

The reason for going

I am waking up at %:!)am tomorrow. That is to say 5:10am. No I did not because destitute over night and take a job working as a custodian in the morning( although one day I might if I can't be convinced to sell my bodily fluid for money). I am going to Salt Lake City tomorrow to meet an Apostle. Elder Bednar to be exact. He was the president of my school until his higher calling and I am excited for this opportunity. My health class is having a Q&A with him tomorrow. We are then going to see the city sights, I guess. I personally am going to see The Testaments again. I will probably fall asleep. At about 5:15pm we get on the bus and come home. I am hoping that we get here around nine but chances of that are very slim. I keep thinking that 5am is too early but for the chance to meet and speak to an Apostle it isn't.
I had a pretty hard decision to make recently. I was trying to decide which school to attend. My choices being BYU and BYU-Idaho. To many ( myself included) the distinction between the two has always made it clear which would be the better school. What then might you ask would make me ever want to stay here. I can't say. I don't know myself. Every time I think about it I know that I would have friends at BYU and I already do. I say the campus is scary and too big and the classes would be harder but I did it during the summer. I say that my minor isn't there but who cares about a minor. My brother is there and no matter how many friends I have here there is no replacing family but (don't be offended please) friends are replaceable. All of this points to the fact that life would be good at BYU. I agonized about this decision and prayed and finally came to the conclusion that I should stay here. Illogical but the choice I felt was right. This is why it took so long. I didn't want this but this is what feels right and everyday I think about it and wonder about whether I made the right choice. I hate that.
P.S. We are making waffles tonight! My mom sent me a waffle iron because my little brother doesn't like that it make Belgian waffles so my mom bought a new one and sent me the old one. I love it! Me and that waffle iron, we are going places( mainly the kitchen.)

Friday, October 21, 2005

It's easier to give up and start again

My apartment has apartment friends. They are cool. These are just people that seem to get along with all of us. Now I understand that it is important for young men to strike out and search for their FEG (future eternal girlfriend, I just like that the letters look and sound funny together). I understand. I really do. I know this means that we don't get to hang with them so much. I have had this happen in different sorts of situations and I know that what you do is find new friends. You don't get rid of the old ones. After all they are still friends. It is time to find some new friends. Break out of the comfortable shell we have created for ourselves and meet new people. Sufficeth to say that I am not receiving much support from the home team. We (I mean people besides me) have determined that most people have already established friends and groups and won't be comfortable with intruders. Whatever. I guess I am just weird.
P.S. My roommates and I like to play sardines in the buildings on campus. It's fun. You get to know the buildings really well and if you play at night it is kind of creepy. It's very fun.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Do blondes have more fun? I hope so

This question is for probably the next couple months. I dyed my hair well not really dyed just highlighted my hair blonde. It's ok. It's pretty dramatic and obvious. It will grow out but you can tell that I did something. I hate blonde. I feel like a sell out. Everyone dyes their hair blonde. That is why I hadn't done it in forever and a day. I like being different and standing out because I don't dye my hair. It's ok though because hair grows out and I haven't done this in a long time. You can totally tell that I have brown roots already and I just dyed it yesterday. I guess that means I didn't do a very good job but I like it so that is all that matters.
P.S. People are getting homesick all around me. I am not. I don't get homesick. Is this the product of moving so much or just a very stable relationship with my family? Am I just stable or confident enough to deal with it? I don't know. I feel sad for those people that just want to go home and can't stand it. I also wonder about people who just want to get out of the college town. You say "well it is Rexburg, come on who wouldn't want to get out." I know but I like it and I like being in college towns and in this atmosphere where everyone is around my age. It's fun.
P.P.S Brother- I am sending you a comic about life at BYU-I. I think that you might find it humorous because I do. It is very accurate. Plus the guy who write and draws it is my FHE brother.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


I'm here in Provo. It's exciting. I just left my roomie and her friend to go do whatever they were planning. I am going to visit my brother and I hope he is there. I haven't been able to get a hold of him. I totally should have called before I got here. I didn't think. I forget things. It's ok. Anyhow I should go find out what I should be doing because I am a little bored right now. My friend got married yesterday. It was a beautiful reception. Very fun as far a receptions go. We only got lost in American Fork for most of it. We got there in the last ten minutes or so.
Something old, something new and something blue: This place is fun. It kinda feels like I never left and it's still summer and whatnot. My roommates friend is really cool. I like her a lot. She's very nice and funny. Yesterday they had here at BYU Provo what is called True Blue Football. I guess you play in blue foam and it turns you blue. That sounds so fun. I want to play in blue foam.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Short and Sweet

Bishops make me laugh sometimes. Ours currently likes to set guys and girls up ( matybe yours does too.). I think that they are trying to play matchmaker. Which is all well and good but how often does that work out? Plus how do they get so good at guessing who might end up liking who? Probably years of experience and something very akine to a survey. It's that new person info. sheet, I think. It will get you. In more ways then one. This is why I don't put certain things on it like playing the piano. I am not trying to hide my candle under a bush or what not but I can't really play. If I tell them I do then they might think I am being modest. Then the bush catches on fire and I don't ever what to be stuck putting out the flames of the piano. Plus I shake really bad when I play in front of groups. This weekend I am going down to Provo. I am excited about seeing my brother. This is very happy news for me. Anyhow, I have to go to class.
P.S. We are all occasionally crazy and weird and stupid ( I am most of the time). I wish that sometimes there were ways to remove these stupid things people have done in their lives that will follow them forever. I guess they are the lessons they had to learn but people judge them, as I do sometimes righteously and sometimes not. I wish I could help them and I wish that they had known what I know about life so that theirs could have been better. It's too bad we all learn different lessons and have different live sometimes.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Straight Hair

I have noticed that straightening my hair has such a dramatic effect that I might as well be wearing a disguise. I also noticed that the guys who figure out what I have done are the ones who have girlfriends. Our friend who is currently single came over and said "Wow, your hair is different. Did you dye it?" And I wondered do people not notice that I have curly hair. I know that I wear it in a ponytail a lot. But can't you see the massive fro of curls when I turn around. Seriously I have walked by people and they don't even recognize me because my hair is like this. I find is rather humorous to tell people I did something to my hair and try to have them figure it out. Not even girls figure it out because they think I have straight hair.
Whatever, enough about hair. I also wish to speak today on the complexity of personal space. I have a pretty big personal bubble unless I like you. I have an even bigger personal bubble for men. I have a no touchy of the hair rule unless I specifically ask you to (I know that this is still about hair but what can I say I was having hair issues this weekend.). This friend mentioned before likes to play with hair. Girls hair to be more exact. He has probably played with the hair of everyone in my apartment except me. I choose to refrain and since I have no valid reason except for my irrational dislike of hair touching I say " My hair is curly and it gets knots tied in it." or " I don't want my hair to poof out." These are valid reasons but they are not the reason. When my hair was straight he said "hey let me play with you hair" I was forced at this moment in time to say "HECK NO" We then decided it was my personal bubble because he occasionally, to get a rise out of me, sits too close or something to that effect. He knows it bugs me and I know that someone out there is going to say well maybe he likes you. I don't think so and even if he did, I don't like him. Moral of my ranting, if a girl (especially this one) says no, it means no. If she wavers is probably means yes but she thinks she shouldn't. If she says yes, good for you and hope she doesn't change her mind(which I usually don't because it takes so much for me to make up my mind in the first place).

Friday, October 7, 2005

Don't get upset

I think sometimes that girls like to get upset. My current situation is extremely quiet. It isn't always so. I imagine that it wouldn't be possible to have so many girls in one place with out drama. One of my personal theories about this is a lot of girls like to be the center of attention. Oh I know a ton of us say that we don't need attention and we don't like to have people looking at us. The truth of the matter is that no matter how much a girl doesn't like those things she still wants to know that she is welcome and that some one wants her there. She wants to know that if she left she would be missed even if just a little bit. I also think that getting upset is one of the ways girls know how to express what they are feeling. Not all girls are like that but it happens. There are other factors to all of this and these are just some random generalizations.
It is actually quite amazing that my roommates and I get along as well as we do. There are two times that I have lived in apartment without these girls. I can't imagine not living with them in the future. I know it will happen eventually as we grow up and move on. I don't like to think about not being a part of their lives. I don't like to think that I am going to be out of the loop and not part of the fun or misery, whatever. I also know that stuff like this can't always last. What about when they (or me) get married? What about when we graduate and have to move on to different places and jobs and people? Is it better to deal with this sooner or later? I don't really know. I know that I will be able to get along no matter what but change is so scary.
Bio Lab: I actually liked biology lab tuesday. This whole thing with bubbles. It was fun. The creepy guy who was in our group dropped the class. My roommate and I like bio lab so much better now. Creepy guys take all the fun out of doing the idiot and occasionally interesting labs. Moral of the story if you are creepy don't take bio lab.
P.S. Just for your info. I didn't realize that yesterday wasn't the 5th of October so I thought about changing the whole thing to Oct. 6 but then realized that I like it as Oct. 5. Partially because the 5th is one month after my birthday. Yeah! I have been 20 for a month! And partially because I like that the dates don't match.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Happy Oct. 5!

So today hasn't been too bad considering I had tennis and health class today. Tuesday and Thursdays are my very healthy days. I think that I am going to fail my chemistry quiz. That's great. I have actually studied. What I mean by study is reading over the material one more time before I take the test. I don't do too bad on the quizzes but I hate fill in the blank because it requires actual knowledge. Mutliple choice it is so easy to bluff or make an educated guess. I love that. Is that cheating? Is it against the honor code to not really prepare for a test and then guess. I don't think so. One of my roommates today asked me if it was against the honor code to skip class without a real reason. I said that one she was crazy and two no it wasn't. People might say something like you need to not waste the tithing money that is paying for this school. I say that it is extremely wonderful that some of the tithing money pays for school. I also say that I still pay tuition and therefore if I skip class then I count it as being taken from the money I payed so I don't feel bad about it at all.
Something: Today I shouldn't be as happy as I am. I woke up at seven am to reserve tickets for the upcoming inaguration of Pres. Clark. They stupid website was jammed with so many students trying to get tickets. We thought about going to get the tickets from the actual ticket office but then we heard that they were sold out. It's ok. I mean it isn't too big a deal as long as I get to see it but it would have been so cool to be in the same room as the First Presidency and a couple other apostles ( 3 or4 I think). Oh well.

Monday, October 3, 2005


I like one word titles. I don't think that they have any real importance on what I am writing but they add a little something sometimes so that you know what you are getting into. I was thinking today that it is a good thing that people don't all notice the same things. I am notice things like rules and regulations. I notice what people tell me. I notice faces, like smiles, if they have eyes and what not. I don't see things like what they wore. I don't notice hair style so much unless it is scary. I don't see the posters on the wall. I don't notice subtle. I don't notice things that aren't important to me. I was just thinking about this because my roommate asked if I would look over her english paper for her. I did my best but I really don't edit very well. Then she had my other roommate go over it. She went over it with a fine tooth comb kinda deal. She noticed things like tense and what word choice she had. I don't have problems editing my own papers mostly I do it as I write it. This is why I have always hated peer graded papers. Hold up that isn't true. I hate doing the grading in peer grading. I don't know what is wrong or write. I just read to get the main point and if I get it then you paper gets an A. If you can't get your point across to me then you have some serious problems, like your paper isn't in English.
Whatever: My roommates and I decorated for Halloween. I like it. This guy we know came over and told us that our apartment was homey. He sounded like he was afraid that he was insulting us by saying that. Why would that be insulting? I like home. I like that our apartment is homey. Anyway, I like our decorated apartment. It's fun.