this is it

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I've got no strings to hold me down!

So my little compy is wireless now. It's a big step like taking the training wheels off your bicycle. Anyhow, it's cool. I've been home for two days and I still don't know how I feel about it. It's weird to think that I will be spending almost four months here. I feel like I belong but I don't at the same time. It's this weird time shift out of dimension type feel. I like being home and at the same time I am incredibly bored and want to leave. I think that I need to find a job or friends or both. Other than that I am great. I love not having school. My brain is starting to return to it's regular solid state. It's kind of in the not a liquid not yet a solid state. I don't know what that is called anymore.
P.S. I love flying. I hate the hassle that goes with it but I love the feeling of being in the air. I love seeing the city lights or nothing at all. Of course, I am in a man made machine and men are imperfect and so their machines are imperfect and basically I could end up plunging to a fiery and horrible death at any moment. I try not to think about that although it does add a certain amount of thrill.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Stupid Irony

"...what? what's that you say? Today is
Saturday? Goodbye, I'm going out to play" Sick by Shel Silverstein

I think that I am seeing the great demise of my academic career as I know it.

You know I often find myself pondering the mysteries of love and life at BYU-I. I ponder the oddity of snow in April and the fact that you find good friends that last 2 weeks of school. You think that you are just going to breeze right by the 2 weeks left without too much complication. Of course, I always choose to believe this only to be wrong(fortunately). I believe that I was a little bit of a "service" project at first. With a heart full of good intentions and well wishes someone determined to bring me out of my "shell." She was amazingly subtle and she did, indeed, succeed. Now that we have established a firm friendship, I am loathe to have the semester end. I do want to go home. School has burned me out to the point of my brains being mush and I want to work at mind numbing, tedious, when will this end, and please just kill with that stupid boredom stick kind of a job. It doesn't matter that our trio of FHE family fun will be separated because she is going to Europe and he is going home and so am I. Anyhow, I am rambling and need to go to sleep. Good night....

P.S. If there is a magic flea and this magic flea has a hat and out of this hat this magic flea pulls out a rabbit is the rabbit regular sized or miniature? No I am not on any sort of drug just lack of sleep and a head cold.
P.P.S Dear Brother, I know that you worry about the friends I choose but I must say that of all the people I have ever met here at college, I like these ones the best, hands down and I think that you would approve as well. Anyhow, you are great and a good big brother.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I am not It! You totally missed!

So I have been tagged. I have to write 6 fact/figures/habits/whatevers about myself. And then tag six other people. Unfortunately or fortunately I will refrain from this portion because of 2 reasons #! I don't know very many people on the internet and #@ I have been asked to refrain. So here we go:
1. I like to paint my toenails outrageous colors. I am particularly fond of the colors, green and red and purple. If had orange I would use that or yellow or maybe black.
2. I swore in 5th grade that I would never wear pigtails. I have found in college that I like them. Not the pony tail pigtails but the braided kind.

3. I LOVE the smell of driers running. It is my favorite. I also like the smell of gasoline, washing detergent, and supreme pizza(even though I hate almost everything on it).
4. I will do anything anyone asks me too especially when they didn't mean for me to actually do it because they were joking. I do have limits but they are pretty hard to reach.
5. I don't like to talk about boys I am interested in and will totally lie about it and usually refuse to tell others about it. Pretty much if I seem to feel comfortable talking about it then it's a lie.
6. I can't stand to have people touch my hair, usually. I have to give mental permission. If you touch my hair and aren't allowed to I will smite you!
P.S. My stupid friend likes to annoying me by touching my hair and I am very close to jacking him or just bursting into tears because then he would stop and feel bad about it.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Post-Dramatic Stress Disorder

This comic always makes me smile. I live with girls as you know. This can lead to drama. Not between me and my roommates because we totally seem to get along. The drama comes in the shape of boys. It stems from the many folds of attraction/unattraction, liking/disliking, talking/not talking, friends/we can't be friends, and do something/do nothing. I really do like sitting on the outside of attraction and looking in but at times it can make one tired. I guess I am just sad that the people around me are stressed about love. There seems to be a lot of pressure this semester to date and find that one and only true love. I wonder why. It isn't just people pressuring me but themselves as well. Do they just want to all get married at the same time so that we can form some cool married people group? Maybe I should pressure myself more. I don't know but these kinds of things could start to make a person crazy.

P.S. We had FHE with Pres. Clark today. It was pretty freakin' sweet. I like that man and you wouldn't think so but he is pretty hilarious as well.

Friday, April 7, 2006

I don't know

Everything in Rexburg gets better when the sun comes out. During the winter I get flashbacks to 3rd grade science class when they teach that nothing on the planet can survive without the sun. Things just start to live again when spring comes to Rexburg.
Besides the sun, spring break was last week. Of course, I didn't go anywhere. I don't care, really. My roommate decided to stay here too. The only thing is that we deal with boredom differently. This place is seriously boring with no people in it. It turns into a ghost town. I actually wish it did turn into a real ghost town because then you wouldn't see the scary guys with horrible mullets wearing purple tank tops/wife beaters or whatever you call those things. It was disturbing.
P.S. What if we all had the same sense of humor? Would it get boring or would everything just be hilarious? Which type of humor would we choose?