This comic always makes me smile. I live with girls as you know. This can lead to drama. Not between me and my roommates because we totally seem to get along. The drama comes in the shape of boys. It stems from the many folds of attraction/unattraction, liking/disliking, talking/not talking, friends/we can't be friends, and do something/do nothing. I really do like sitting on the outside of attraction and looking in but at times it can make one tired. I guess I am just sad that the people around me are stressed about love. There seems to be a lot of pressure this semester to date and find that one and only true love. I wonder why. It isn't just people pressuring me but themselves as well. Do they just want to all get married at the same time so that we can form some cool married people group? Maybe I should pressure myself more. I don't know but these kinds of things could start to make a person crazy.
P.S. We had FHE with Pres. Clark today. It was pretty freakin' sweet. I like that man and you wouldn't think so but he is pretty hilarious as well.