this is it

Saturday, July 29, 2006

40 days

That is how long there is until school starts for me again and coincidently it's my birthday as well. I still like to count down to my birthday. At times 40 days seems like forever and at times it seems that it will be here tomorrow. I hate that. I wish that time would seem to go at the same speed all the time. I'm excited to go back to school but I've grown rather attached to the family but that was to be expected. I don't like leaving but I want to go. It's all rather annoying. Too bad things aren't ever plain and simple. Well, that's all.
P.S. I am enjoying the kids I babysit more and more each day (except on tuesdays when I have to wake up early). It's a blessing. Hopefully, it won't change either.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Who would have thought?

So it's been a year! I'm surprised that I keep writing (rather poorly) on this thing. Anyhow, that's how it goes. I change my babysitting schedule tomorrow. I will be able to sleep more now and won't have to be there as much. I'm basically asleep while I am writing this but most of my best work is done half asleep. I don't think that this is one of those times but for your sake I hope that it is. I just finished a book that retold the story of Sleeping Beauty. I must say that I greatly preferred it over the Disney version of the story. Of course that isn't hard to do because Sleeping Beauty has always been my least favorite even when I was younger. I was more of a Little Mermaid type. I don't know what that has to do with anything but what if you made a personality test based on your favorite Disney movie. No doubt they already have one of these (The Girl Scouts have a personality thing for which type of their cookies you like). I wonder what the Little Mermaid says about me. I just googled it and I couldn't find any that let you just pick your favorite princess. You have to take a test. I took several and the most common one for me is Pocahontas which I find ironic because we are polar opposites in appearance. I hope that this doesn't mean I will have to save my future husband (although everyone knows that they don't get married so I guess it's more like a boyfriend) from the wrath of my father. Anyhow, Happy whatever you would call this. Yeah!

Friday, July 14, 2006


I am currently listening to a CD that my brother made for my mom. It pretty much rocks.

Life is moving forward, I suppose. It is going horribly slow at times (usually while I am babysitting more specifically during lunchtime while I am babysitting). I guess that I have been observing (from approximately 2 states away) some changes in life. Some of them are changes that are subtle and if you aren't looking from the outside in (like I am) you wouldn't even know it was happening. Others seem to be changes by fire and you have to wait until all the smoke has cleared before you can assess the damage (once again from the outside looking in for the most part). I am wondering what life will be like in the Fall. Can I really do and be what will be expected of me? I am tempted to focus on two things (filling out mission papers and schoolwork) and be done with everything else (probably what I will end up doing anyway). It's hard when friends are jerks to each other. Oh well. I think that I won't worry about it until I have to.
P.S. I have only been to Six Flags once before and was kinda sick. Somehow, I completely forgot that. I was dizzy and sick to my stomach and wet and cold all day. I mean it was fun except for the potential hurliness of it (which I didn't). I don't plan on going again...ever. Although, I really like the water rides (they would have been more fun if it hadn't been raining the whole day) and the Twister II.

Friday, July 7, 2006

I'm a band-aid

Well, not really a band-aid. It's more like I am a sedative or tranquilizer. I feel like doing one of those person A, B, and C things but will refrain so as to not confuse myself more. It just seems that many people have called me recently to vent. They say that I made them feel a lot better. I hear their stories of broken hearts, ruined friendships and illness and I give them no good advice or very good condolences. I like that I made them feel better. I just wish I knew what I did. I guess that everyone just needs to vent and I'm the person they vent to. Anyhow, lets just say that all in all, I think I am glad that I came home this summer for my own sanity's sake.
P.S. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to Six Flags. I am pretty excited. Later.