Happy After Christmas! (or New Year..whatever)
New Favorite Songs: "She is" and "Heaven Forbid" by the Fray and "Fidelity" by Regina Spektor.So the days have been jam packed with family and fun or something like unto that. There is snow...everywhere...I mean it. I love that every time there is a big snow storm, someone in my family will eventually introduce the idea of making an igloo (a big hearty thanks to the Eskimos for coming up with the idea). It has only been completed once to my memory. I wonder if this time will be any different. It great to play in the snow with my brothers again. I could almost pretend that it's the blizzard in N.C. or the one in Maryland. Just a side note forts built under trampolines are very short especially when it's caving in from snow on top of it. So much snow seems ridiculous but brings me a certain amount of peace. I love looking at pristine sheets of white snow and I love watching snow fall. It gives me the hope that I can start over again and be pure like the snow. I love the feeling of making the first snow print into uncharted territory. A new adventure where I look back and see where I've been and look forward to see that no one has been before me. I love how bright it is outside when it's supposed to be pitch black. I don't always love freezing but I enjoy the unfreezing process (mostly when there is hot chocolate or something involved and lots of blankets). Basically, even though I complain about it a lot, I do like snow.P.S. I think my little bro. has given me his germs. I hate those filthy stinkin' germs. P.P.S. My just older brother and his wife are snowed in with us. Hopefully, good times with ensue. It was his idea to play in the snow in the dark and he came up with the phrase "Inuit" pies. It made me laugh.
Somethings are just awkward
I make things awkward. Not everything but somethings. Ok this thought stems from the fact that I felt very awkward at least twice the night before I left Rexburg. I was thinking about this afterward and wonder if I made it awkward or if it would have been that way for anyone. I am fairly certain that situation #2 was not of my own making and that the hands of a guy giving you a hug shouldn't linger at the waist while whispering mission advice in your ear (well at least this guy's shouldn't have...shiver from creepiness) Situation #1 I think I might have made it more awkward that it should have been. It was supposed to be funny but I think that it really caught me off guard. I probably over (or maybe under) reacted. It was funny and I totally blew it out of proportion. I just didn't expect it. It shocked me. Luckily, others prevented it from getting out of hand before I even had time to react except to be totally and completely shocked...I just froze. Moral of the story: I have a bubble. It's an unpredictable bubble. Sometimes people are allowed to enter and then permission is revoked. One person can get away with something while someone else of equal status, in my mind, cannot. I don't understand but there you have it.P.S. I really do like being home. Family is great. They make life fun. Also, Merry Christmas because I probably won't post again until after.
Just so you know...
I don't do goodbyes very well. You would think that with all the practice over the years I would be a pro. All I became was a pro at avoiding them. The thing is that the people that I like the most and that I am the closest to, I will see again. I will make the effort to see them so it seems silly to get all emotionally stressed out to me. I have accepted that this is not the norm and that most people prefer some sort of sentiment. I guess I can deal with that. It's the other goodbyes that I avoid. The ones where you know that you are not going to make the effort to see the person. The ones that I know this will probably be the last time I see them in my life. Just so no one misunderstands me these are people that I don't spend a lot of time with and don't put a lot of effort into a relationship with them. I don't care. It's callous, I know. I don't care that I am never going to see some of these people ever again. They are fun and nice and I am glad that I got to know them and all that jazz but really I don't feel the same about goodbyes. I just want to get them over with or avoid them at all costs. It makes me a little grumpy come goodbye time. I am not sympathetic towards others and I don't make an effort to hide it sometimes. It's bad. I'll work on it.
100th Post!
Yeah for me. I don't really have anything to say but these are some of my favorite happenings/quotes from this past weekend."The expression "Shiver me timbers!" comes from the society of pirates, who enjoy using interesting expressions almost as much as jumping aboard other people's ships and stealing their valuables. It is an expression of extreme amazement, used in circumstances when one feels as if one's bones, or timbers, are shivering. I have not used the expression since one rainy night when it was necessary to pose as a pirate experiencing amazement."-Lemony Snicket, The Grim Grotto."Me and God, we go way back. I don't remember all of it." -FlopsThe instance of one trying to cuddle on the couch and Flops somehow slipped off and landed on the ground. I think I laughed for at least 2 minutes. The scandel of one of my roommates wearing shorts under her skirt but failing to mention that to the rest of us. "Daddy yells at little girls and makes them cry! Waaaaa!" -Roommate's older sister over a block of cheese."I'm delirious! Don't make fun of me!" -Teenie"I have class from one to two." "One Two!" -Teenie this morning. It doesn't make sense but still makes me laugh for some reason.The text to my brother (not written by me) that stated, "It all started with a little tongue."I had a good time and I hope all involved had a good time. If not, I'm sorry.P.S. My roommate taught me how to play "Minesweeper" late last night. I don't think I really got the hang of it but I'm gonna keep trying.
I'm tired...again...
It always seems to happen that eventually I get tired. I was wondering today what it would be like if I never got tired. I realized that I would miss sleep. It's very relaxing to sleep. Well except when you have crazy dreams. I had one the other night. Teenie was there and an unnamed person and Teenie was talking to me and I don't remember what she was saying but the unnamed person was being weird, at least weird for him. I think he was holding my hand or something and I didn't seem to mind which would be unusual for the situation I was in. I don't remember much else. I guess it isn't that crazy anymore. I don't really mind dreams unless they are creepy. I had one about being trapped in the school in Brasil. Kinda freaked me out at the time. I didn't want to go to school...oh wait I didn't want to go to school before that. Anyhow, goodnight people. Sleep well and have good dreams.P.S. My secret sister/santa gave me a beanie. I like it. Now I match alot. P.P.S. It kinda makes my head itch sometimes. Oh well.P.P.P.S I fingerpainted the other day. It was fun! I drew a house and some hills and a dog that really should be a skunk or something. Also, some abstract art (that is code for I didn't know what to paint and I messed up so I covered it with a lot of paint) and a flower and nerve cell. It had a cell body and an unmeylinated axon and dendrites. It was great but not entirely accurate.