this is it

Monday, September 26, 2005


I have a tendency to feel for other people. Right now someone has stomped on the heart and ripped to shreds the emotions of a good friend of mine. I don't take these kinds of things lightly. I don't care how good a friend I consider you to before hand. So I am sending out a general feeling of dislike to all those people who are stupid and mess with the heads of the people. Plus a general request for them to cease and to refrain from doing it in the future. Why are some people so stupid? Does anyone know the answer? Is there an answer? Do they not stop and consider consquences of their actions? Do they think that what they are doing it wise or right? I know that things aren't that easy. You can't put people and their actions into nice neat boxes like that. I know that I have hurt people and they probably don't understand why I did what I did. Sometimes I don't know why I do what I do. To give an example. I have recently embarassed myself. I didn't think before I did this. I wrote to a friend who went into the MTC a couple weeks ago. I sent the letter and I knew it was going to get there the first day he did. I didn't stop to think about what that looked like. It looks like I like this kid as more than just a friend. I don't. The other Elders are calling him Elder (My last name here). I know that they are joking and I think that he finds this amusing. I don't. Not really. It is sort of funny but I feel embarassed because I don't like him like that. I wanted to send two letters at the same time. I have a friend that is leaving the MTC soon and wanted to make sure that he got the letter before he left. Anyway, I now have no desire to write to my friend. Oh well.

Saturday, September 24, 2005


Chemistry, it's a part of like everything. I learned that in my 101 class. My teacher was just talking about how everything has to do with chemistry in some way. She was just talking about physical things like the earth and Kool-aid. I think it kind of applies in other ways as well. I went to see Batman begins at the dollar theater again. I am done watching that movie for a while. My one roommate hadn't see it so me and everyone went to watch it with her. This time I was more interested in watching these people in front of us. There wasn't anything too exciting just this couple that was probably on some sort of pre date. You know when you think you are interested in someone so you start hanging out with them more and then you figure out if you really like this person. After that you can totally start dating. Well this couple was either on some kind of date. I couldn't figure out if it was a first date or a pre date. There were two guys that seemed to be the other guys roommates sitting in the same row. So I don't know maybe they were just friends but the way she was leaning towards him and he her, just made me think that maybe something more was going on. I really do like to people watch if you couldn't tell.
Unrelated: Yesterday I went to the park and swung on the swings. Once I went and fell off the swing when the tennis lights turned off. My roomates make fun of me for it now. It is fun.

Saturday, September 17, 2005


I love my roomies. They are cool girls. I get along well with them. Occasionally, as what happens with all girls, they get a little intense. This has been happening lately. I guess that is what you get for adding boys to the equation. One of my roommates has a boyfriend. He cool and I think that they are good for each other. This can sometimes create a little bit of drama. My other roommate pretty much has a couple of guys who just throw themselves at her. Ok, just one really. He seems like a really nice guy sort of. She is going to "talk" with him sometime soon. I think that is a grand idea and I am kind of relieved because I am not sure how I feel about this person. The rest of us are just some where in the eternal line. We are ranked some where between "I really don't care" and "Will some one just date me?" It's all kinds of fun.
Randomness: So I am not really dissing on my new bishop or anything. I like the dude a lot. He is really nice and seems genuinely concerned about us. He has this really strange idea. Ok it isn't really strange. I have heard people say it before. Anyway, he thinks that you shouldn't kiss before you get married. Now, I have never kissed anyone. I am not an advocate of people who just go and kiss will nilly (Ben, I don't mean Mike's meaning of "willy nilly." Gross). I also think that not kissing till you get married could be a grand idea but that is all I hope it ever turns out to be for me, an idea. Not that I am going to just go and kiss anyone, so don't get worried about it. That is my kind of a rant for the day. It has just been on my mind since my roomies are having some issues.

Friday, September 16, 2005

A new day

I have noticed in my life that I am really funny or strange when I am sick. Just to warn you at the moment I am sick(not mentally but I do have a head cold). Since I do have a head cold, I have a tendancy to sound like dis. I amb Elber Fudd. My roommate is making fun of me. I am getting better though. I sound funny when I am getting over my colds. I wish I could give you some kind of profound insights. I really like my sociology class. I like learning about the different aspects of different cultures. Plus it is just funny. It's funny because the guys in this class are so opinionated. They have one for every topic so far. I just reread what I have written and it sounds like I am on cold medicine. Do you ever get to the point where your eyes are trying to tell you it is time to sleep? They keep trying to close. It's ok. I mean I want them to but it is silly for them to think that they get to have any say about when I go to sleep. It's like having someone boss me around. I think I will let them and maybe I do have a mental problem. I'll look into it.
New Topic: I don't like to ask guy friends if anyone in there apt. likes anyone in my apt. because that causes all kinds of accusations and idiocy. My roomate did that yesterday. The guy answered yes. Now I am wondering who likes who. I also hate it because then you get the reverse. Does anyone in my apt. like anyone in his? I said that we haven't talked about it. I didn't tell him that we didn't talk about it because none of us(as far as I know) would date them seriously. Not that they aren't great guys because they are. I love them to death and they are very good, kind, fun and sincere individuals but they are like brothers (to me at least).

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

So what now...

I would like a raise of hands of how many people out there are indecisive. I am raising both of my hands, just so you know. There are only a few things in this world that I hate more than making a decision, one of them is cauliflower and another is stake dances. How do you decide between two rights? I know that you are just suppose to say that one is better than the other but in what ways are they better? Are they better in ways that matter? What if both things matter almost equal. Decisions make me shake. I worry am I making the wrong choice. Am I doing the right thing? Am I hurting anyone? Do I want it bad enough to change? I usually come to an impasse and wait for my impatience to kick in or someone to say something that will push it one way or the other.
Annoyances: So I don't know how you feel about people playing their music loud enough for you to hear it in your room like it was playing in your room, at 9:00 am but I am opposed to it. I also don't appreciate it at midnight. I mean it is ok if you want to play your music really really loud but please don't do it while I am sleeping.
Something else: I have to think of some kind of trend to set for my sociology class. It can be fashion, verbal or whatever. I need ideas so if any of you creative people out there have a good idea, write me a comment please. I'll tell you what stupid thing my class ends up deciding to do instead of your idea. Thanks.

Monday, September 12, 2005


I have noticed that my titles never really have any significance. Today I decided to go with one that required no thinking. I guess a lot has happened since the last time I wrote. I had my birthday. It was nice. Nothing to amazing. My roomates and I went to Craigo's and got a cookie monster and put candles in it. My friend Chris went into the MTC. That was cool/sad. My friend Jacob is going in on Wednesday.
Last Thursday I couldn't log onto my internet because of my apartment complex. They have some sort of box that you have to register with and if you don't then you can't have the internet. As you can imagine, this made me rather angery. Not only could I not get on the internet for nearly five days, I had to reassure them that I have an antivirus and spyware. I hate that. I hate that this place has so many stinking rules. It is very annoying. I paid them way more than this place is worth and then I find out that they are one of those apartment complexes registered with Rexburg Housing Office. The RHO is very much like living in a covenant community or a convent. They have rules for almost everything. You can't move the furniture in the lounge. You can't have boys outside your door on your balcony after eleven pm but you can hang out with them in the parking lot. I wonder if they have thought about how that sounds and works out. You can't talk to you boyfriend outside you door with your roommates near by but you can talk to him in the parking lot but it's cold so you talk to him in his car. Real smart. I have already mentioned the internet thing.
I went to see to movies, Red Eye and Batman Begins. I enjoyed both of them. I am having a new found hope in Batman movies. This one didn't make me cringe. I also really liked Red Eye because I just did. It's gruesome and semi predicatable but still I liked it.
New Topic: Yesterday my roomie wore a shirt that was way too big for her. It was her brothers but he didn't like it. We tied her sleeves together and took pictures. It was great fun. I hope to do it again one day.

Saturday, September 3, 2005

Late night

So once again I am blogging late at night.* I will probably be weird and ramble on like I did last time I typed this late. The first week of classes are over. I feel an enormous sense of relief. Ironically I feel that my favorite class might be chemistry. My room roomie is currently away for the weekend and I feel a little like I am mentally stretching my arms. This weekend it is MY room. I don't have to feel bad if I am a little messy. I have noticed that life can be very ironic this week. The people you spent all your time with one semester start hanging with a person they once knew only through the phone. The class you thought was going to be your easiest turns out to be the class that you hate. The class you thought you would hate becomes your favorite so far. You are someones friend but they aren't yours (if that makes any sense.) I hate the change in semesters. I hate that here in Idaho, you could potentially make a friend one semester and then not see them for eight months. I hate that fall is so congested and crowded here. We aren't made for high quantity here. It will be mid semester before me and my roomates meet anyone worth making friends with, just my guess. I guess I do a lot of whining on this blog and I kinda apologize but not really.
New Topic: My birthday is on Monday. I know someone who has a birthday on every day of the month til my birthday except for the first. I don't know if any of you know this but I love birthdays. Mine, yours, that kid down the street with the red hair and the neon green socks. I don't care whose it is. I used to count down the days starting like 3 months before. I have since matured to only counting down the last week. I try not to sound to excited around here because people will think that I want them to do something but the truth of the matter is I don't think I could care less if they actually do something. I just like my birthday. Oh and I just noticed HAPPY BIRTHDAY FLOPS! Goodnight all.
*I am also writing in the dark for reasons unknown. I don't have a roommate that I am disturbing.
** Please forgive spelling errors. Once again to lazy to use to spell check.