This will be quick and painless...maybe
Thanksgiving was good. There was driving (not done by me. Sorry and thank you bro.) and more driving and driving in a little snow and driving in a lot of snow. Driving up the hill and driving down the hill. This one had a little car and this one had a little star. Anyway, I do not enjoy long car rides. I don't know of anyone who does. All in all though I believe it was worth it. I enjoyed the good eats and the fam. My oldest brother brought a game that we all thoroughly enjoyed( BANG!). My little brother proved to me once again how much I suck at video games and in such a sweet way that you want to ring his little neck and give him a hug at the same time. The middle brother was his regular self. Nothing too new with them (he and his wife). I learned that they didn't enjoyed Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It kind of disappointed me. I had lots of good times. It is always interesting to stay at the grandma's house and this was no exception.
P.S. What drives ambitious people? I know this freshman who is taking a killer load in every semester so far in an attempt to get into a program that will probably accept her if she takes a lighter load and gets better grades. I think it is the better way to go about it. If you take lots of classes but don't get the grades then you are just kicking yourself in the face. Moral of the story: take fewer classes and get better grades ( not that I am doing so hot with fewer classes.) Oh and for whatever reason people who are 17 and in college kinda freak me out but that is just an interesting side note.
Yippee! I have one class left today and I am trying really hard not to think about all the homework I may have to do over the break. I am just excited to be going home and eating good food that doesn't come from a box and I didn't have to cook myself. I hate the driving part though. It takes so much time and it's a pain in the bottom. Anyhow, it's just me and one other roommate tonight. The others are leaving today at 6. I am just so happy that I don't have anymore classes this week. I hear that my little brother is my height now. This saddens me. I don't want to be the shortest. I know it was inevitable being the only girl and all but I was hoping for a couple more years. I went back and reread what I wrote and realized that once again I jump from subject to subject and since you can't read my mind you don't know the connection between all of them so I hope that you can deal with it. Any way I have to go to class.P.S. A friend gave me and my roommate the stuffed something that he won from the claw machine. It is the elf from the movie Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. The one with all the clay people and the silly snow man that narrates and I hate that movie. I don't know why. Actually I do know why. It's because I find it annoying and the little clay things are very unrealistic and I hate the way they move and talk. I guess I can't use unrealistic as an excuse because I love muppet movies. Why does no one notice that they are muppets and not real people. Maybe if you grew up with muppets as real people then you would be more accepting of it. Anyhow, later people.
An ode to toilet paper
Yesterday, I went to give blood. I didn't get to. I felt extremely sad about it. I really wanted to give blood. Instead, I got the stupid prick on the finger which hurts more than the needle in the arm. She pricked me on the tip of my finger so that it hurts every time I type. It really sucked yesterday when I had to type a six page paper. The stupid thing kept bleeding.
Today isn't real exciting. Nothing has really happened that is note worthy.
P.S. I had really weird dreams in the night. I don't know what happened. I can't remember any of the dream except that it was weird, I was very angry and I flipped someone off. I am beginning to think that maybe I have subconscious rage issues. P.P.S I guess the title I chose doesn't really fit the blog except that the whole time I have been writing it I have been thinking that I wish we had toilet paper because we are out and it disturbs me when that happens.
It's only annoying if...
My apartment has been overrun by annoying playthings that make it impossible to concentrate or hear anything above a yell. I think I love it. I'm not sure. Have you ever noticed how the bouncy balls, balloons with the rubber bands tied on one end and the weird little knocker things that are attached to the swingy middle thing* are only annoying if you aren't playing with them yourself? I think it's jealousy on my part. If I can't be playing with it then you shouldn't be able to either. Plus my ears are weird and when people play with the knocky things I can only feel the vibration in my ear but can't actually hear the sound all that well. Is that how it is supposed to be?This leads me to other things like the weather. I know that around here there has been a lot of talk about weather. My roommates are mostly from the lovely, sunny year round state of California. Thus they haven't really experienced living in snow all that much. They get very excited and I, who really doesn't have anything against snow if properly prepared for it, feel the need to be pessimistic about it. I don't like being cold. I don't like being wet. I don't like layers. I don't like scarves and mitten or gloves. I hate coats and boots. I HATE ice. Actually, all of this is fine because it generally isn't all that cold here until you add in the wind chill factor which is one gazillion. That makes is negative one gazillion and four when you are walking to class.P.S. Yesterday was once again my bio lab. We did something on the senses. I realized that my taste buds don't work, I can't hear (which I already knew) and that it hurts when you put a poker from boiling water directly on to the underside of my forearm. At least I know that my pain receptors work properly and I have nothing horribly wrong with my eyesight.*I apologize for the inaccurate descriptions.
The 80's
My hair was made for the 80's. I have natural curl and the boring brown color that was prominent at that point in time. I mention this because of a skit we did for enrichment this week. It was pretty fun because all we did was make fun of the 80's. Anyhow, my hair does naturally what girls back then styled their hair to do. I hate the heavy make up. I am not a big make up girl as mentioned in the previous post.* We did the clothing as best we could and took pictures so that my future generations can look at me and say, " What on earth was she smoking that day?" It's great. I have to say that while I don't mind being born in the 80's I am so glad that I didn't grow up then. I wonder if I would have been able to go to school and not laugh at the stupid scrunchies and high socks. The big shirts and leggings. Headbands, need I say more. Their music was basically atrocious. There is a little that I like. Cyndi Lauper was freaky but I love her music for whatever reason. I guess there was some good in the 80's but mostly it's just something to get a good laugh from.P.S. We had an extremely amusing talk about discrimination in my soc.111 class. I loved just laughing mostly. We determined that people from Utah and Idaho and preemies get discriminated against here. Also someone mentioned freshmen girls don't get that many dates but that makes me laugh. Freshmen girls probably get more dates than that of any other year. I think they also get married more too. Someone said the other day that if you are married by 18 up here you ain't gonna get married here. It made me laugh and cry at the same time(not for me but for those silly 18 year old girls.)*I got Mary Kayed. It was ok. I bought something that I will probably not ever use but I hate it when people go to trouble to have a party and don't get anything out of it. All in all I would say that it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Whatever.
Pumpkin empanada
Have you noticed how when you go to eat somewhere that they don't even wait for you to order before they ask if you want the amazing something that costs twice as much as an ipod and tastes like one too. I haven't really either. No one would order food that expensive. I have noticed that sometimes they ask if I want.... I usually say no I don't like pumpkin pie, why on earth would I eat a pumpkin empanada? They have some crazy foods out there. I guess that I am just a picky eater. I always have been and always will be. I am not ashamed to say that I might judge food on it's appearance, smell or color choice. If I don't like any of those things I might refuse to eat it without tasting it ever! Ok that isn't exactly true. I will probably only refuse to try something if it has eggs or fish in it and maybe tofu. I don't know how I feel about tofu. My mom likes it and I hear that it is generally inoffensive. I don't know about that, my source was very biased towards tofu. My roommates and I decided that I am very picky. This worries me when people invite us over for dinner. How do you say I am sorry I won't eat that. They say things like you haven't tried these eggs. I have to say that I don't care what you do to them. If it is mostly made of egg chances are very good that I don't want to eat it and nothing you say will make me like it. P.S. We are going to the University choir tonight. Exciting, I know. Then we are coming home and there will proceed to be a Mary Kay party at our apt. I don't care or mind it's just weird to think about. I don't wear makeup all that much. Mostly on Sundays. I don't know what they do at Mary Kay parties. Is the point to get me to buy makeup from them? Are they like Pampered Chef parties? I haven't been to one of those either but I have heard about them. Anyhow, I have to go to class. Once again, have a good laugh at my potential misery. I am.
Scary Movies
I must say that I think I have acquired a profound dislike for extremely scary movies. I definitely don't feel the same way I did yesterday. I feel unsettled. I feel paranoid. I feel fear. I think that these basic human emotions have stemmed from the extremely creepy half of a movie I watched yesterday ( it wasn't even half. It was more like the last 30 minutes.) I realized as I watched it that it was probably rated R at one point (clean flicks). I have determined that even though they take out the really extreme stuff, they still have to leave the basic plot in so that it is the same movie. I shouldn't have watched it. I knew as I was watching it that it was going to creep me out. I can handle a lot of scary stuff. I thought the grudge was one of the stupidest things ever. The ring and the ring two scared me while watching it but left no lasting problems. Scream(don't worry I watched them on tv. Not that it makes it any better) 1,2 and 3 were just people. Crazy, homicidal people with wicked looking knives but still just people. I have come to the conclusion that I am afraid of the devil and demonic possession. Those other things are not creepy. Actually it isn't that I am afraid (well come on who is afraid of the devil.) but more like extremely creeped out by the thought. It is a good thing that good always triumphs over evil.P.S. I am taking a Women's health class. I have the most embarrassing assignment to do (well maybe not the most. I don't know what else is in store for me). I have to find some guy to that I think I am compatible with and take a quiz about how our life would be if we were each other. I don't think I like this. Who? why me? Anyhow have fun laughing at my discomfort.